Sunday, March 26, 2006

Things are moving along...

Good News on Sock No.2 in the cursed second pair of socks. So good......knock on wood hopefully we'll come through this okay. I finally have the basic sock pattern kinda memorized. But I keep making them a little too big (not in length in width). Oh well.

Next up: The skein I spun for Project spectrum is finished. It's hand dyed hand spun merino mohair this photo's kinda crappy it has many varigations in color. Me likey.

And, last but not least, a few weeks ago this stuff came from Sundara Yarn. I can not wait to knit it up. The color way is flames. I don't know if she's still carrying it but she has some other lovely colorways up there too. I love acid daffodil.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The number 2==== Cursed.

This is the first sock from my 2nd pair of socks, simple, simple stockinette. I thought I would get sock construction basics down, then get all fancy.

Why is it that the simplest sounding things (basic stockinette stitch) can be the most annoying and complicated? 'cause you get cocky.

Pbbbffft, it's stockinette, I don't even have to think
Pbbbffft, I can race through it.
Pbbbffft, of course I don't have to stop every once in a while to count stitches, how can you possibly screw this up?

Well the sock said Pbbbffft back.
I actually knit this one sock, pretty much 2x I had to tink 2x, and frog majorly 2x. It's done, and I'm now onto the 2nd sock in the 2nd pair.

Given that I am now convinced the number 2 is cursed. I'm going very slowly.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Fiancé...It's French....B*tch

Well there were no posts this weekend, alas, mr.cynthia proposed. Even after that last post where he came in as the third love of my life. (That was meant to be sarcastic. He can handle it. Which is good because he can dish it too, and I wouldn't have it any other way.)

So now he is my Fiancé and that's F-a-n-c-y.

And he is the love of my life.

mushy.mushy.gushey.lovey goodness.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Project Spectrum Spinning

exhibit a:

It's been calling from the stash. I've heard it softly, calling my name. It wouldn't stop. The hand dyed bats that I made in spinning class I've been itching (no pun intended, and no they're not itchy) to be spun up.

see exhibit a: talking bats: sfx: "cynthia you're ignoring me, I'm so pretty spin me, come on you know you want to")

They're colorful. And since color is my first love, fiber a second, and my boyfriend the third. (sorry baby). I've decided to join project spectrum. I'll be spinning these puppies for the month of march (red-pink month).

Red and pink are my favorite colors, (hence the hair dye) maybe this spectrum thing will help me to learn to love colors like, blue.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Beach Knitting (new project !)

Why read on the beach when you can knit ? Everyone loves sand in their socks.

Started pair of socks #2.
Anklets out of Opal Chamelion. Using this translation of the opal label pattern.
This time on size #1 needles.

˚o˚o˚Socks in their natural habitat ˚o˚o˚

The photographic proof is late, but the socks are finished, woo hoo. I wish I were still there.