Saturday, July 29, 2006

Knitting Partner

Confession, since I started knitting five years ago, I've done none of the work on my own. There's always been a ghost knitter at my side, taste testing the needles for me (thank-you), and sitting on my charts to keep them warm. Her name is Tabitha, and shes just shy of 16 now. We found each other when she was 8 mos. old.

In addition to being a ghost knitter, she has also been at varying times: break up therapist, sick day sidekick, exterminator (don't ask), bed warmer, pillow, master shedder, and alarmclock.

She's sick now, we don't know what's wrong with her. But even when sick, she still keeps up her role as best ghost knitter ever. (sorry fred, I'm biased on this one).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor sick kitty! So sorry to hear that she's not doing so well.

2:36 PM  

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